Monday, October 10, 2016

Use. Me. Lord.

In the short three months its been since I had Tinley my heart has been awakened. I have felt the Lord's presence and love in such powerful ways as he has shown me that the immense and unconditional love I have for my little girl is only a fraction of his love for her, for me. I can't fully fathom it, yet I know it and feel it daily.

It moves me to be the very best version of myself for her, for my husband, for my community, for the lost and hurting, but most importantly for HIM. It delights my heart to say, "God what is your desire for me? How can I help your kingdom?" My mind drifts to beautiful and good things the Lord could use me to do....

I sometimes wish that the Lord would drop at my feet his plan for my life not only figuratively but literally. Then I wouldn't have to wonder if I was doing the right things I would know, but that is not how he works. And, then again if it were I probably wouldn't be in as close communion with him. After all, I would be following a step by step guide it wouldn't be about my faith in Him.

It's somewhat like my passion to fiercely serve him and my fear of walking that out are at war. I want the beautiful adventure of doing the hard and holy things but, at the same time I question if I can really handle it. I know this is silly because He is in control and any illusion of me being in control by not stepping out is a falsity.

So, today it is on my heart and mind and in my prayers that God would take my passions and talents and use them in small and mighty ways to further his kingdom. That I would be open to all his plans and that I would be aware of his prompting and leading.

After having a close friend lose a baby to miscarriage the Lord has really put it on my heart to find some way to serve those who experience the loss of a child. Even if in only a small way, I want to do what I can. I don't want to sit back and think God can't use me because I don't have an elaborate plan or huge funds.

Hope Mommies Box Gatherings are events in which friends and family come together to assemble gifts, encouragement, and the gospel in the form of beautifully decorated and personally crafted boxes for mothers who have recently lost a child.

To learn more about this ministry please visit

In order to host a Hope Mommies Box Gathering you must first do a fundraiser to raise money and supplies for the boxes. Each box cost about $45. These items include an ESV Bible, a Heaven Booklet (Randy Alcorn), a book on grief, journal, scripture cards, handwritten note, and a Hope Mommies™ brochure. A Hope Box also includes various comfort and pampering gifts such as: tissue, tea, coffee, lotion, lip care, bath bomb, candle and jewelry.

My goal is to be able to do 10 boxes. Once my goal is fully funded I will host a gathering at my home to assemble and decorate the boxes.

My hope is that in serving these mommies and praying over these boxes as we assemble them God will use us and the boxes to encourage their hearts.

If you feel lead to donate please contact me so I can direct you to the site where the funds will be collected to purchase the supplies.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read.

Shai Kinch

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 James 4:10 Serve those who cannot repay you.