Friday, December 13, 2013
You don't appreciate it until you work for it!
I finally feel like I have time to relax and write again now that school is done until January.
First and foremost I wanted to thank everyone who prayed for me these last couple of months as I struggled to make it through a class I really didn't enjoy. Math has never been my thing but when you throw in constructions its a recipe for disaster and it was..... but to be honest I had this mentality going into it that wasn't all that great either. I kept telling myself get through it this isn't your thing, your not going to remember anything, and you won't enjoy it but, just do it. So I did my homework got my A's and then when it came to the tests did awful I won't beat around the bush. Quickly realizing working at this pace wasn't going to cut it and if I didn't muster up some kind of something I wasn't going to get the C+ I needed, I buckled down. First I asked everyone to pray for me and then I got to work studying. I had a C+ in the class but with the final being a third of my grade and my test history of two C's and an F I knew I was going to have to work extra hard. I needed a C+ on the final to keep my grade and from how I had done on the other two tests I was pretty nervous at first wondering if it was even possible. To be honest I'm just not used to studying and I usually don't, except when it comes to math and I think I found out why. I have to work at it and actually apply myself. Putting that extra effort in isn't enjoyable or pleasant when I could be doing other things like spending time with my friends and family.
Something changed though as I studied for my test as I kept working at it learning more it got easier for me to keep studying over the weekend. The more effort I put into it the more effort I wanted to keep putting into it. Studying for probably a combined total of four hours over the weekend the stress started to melt. As Monday afternoon rolled around I was a little uneasy but I knew going into it that I was okay with whatever happened because I had worked hard and I had learned and taught myself the material I hadn't previously understood.
After taking the test I was a little nervous but, was pretty sure I had gotten at least a C+. Waiting for my grade to come in seemed like ages. When I finally saw the results though it made me love math a little :). I had gotten a 77% C+ on my final. My hard work paid off and I was so happy. I learned so much from this experience. The reason it made me love math is because I realized how much more you appreciate the things you have to work towards earning. It has inspired to apply this in every aspect of my life and I can't wait to see the rewards it produces.
When I returned to look at my grades tonight I had a "B" and I feel so blessed. God was definitely working behind the scenes growing and teaching me. I am so thankful that he blessed me and gave me the motivation to study.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Check Canoeing Off
Zac and I woke up bright and early around 7:15 and got ready and headed to Jalapa a small town around Marion. We met our friends Eric and Brooke and dropped the truck off so we could ride with them to pick up the canoes.
We rented the canoes out at Riverbend and had them in the water by 8:30! Then we began our five mile journey down the river. It was such a great time I really enjoyed being outside. The scenery was beautiful the green trees against the relaxing ripple of the water made me want to start every day with canoeing. We laughed and ate candy and enjoyed the company of each other. Besides the BIG OLE rock that bumped Zac straight off his seat and right into the middle of the canoe the trip was as smooth as can be. Well we did have to walk once but that was only for a very short time like maybe two minutes. And thankfully the night before I had with the help of Zac sought out the appropriate river walking shoes. It only took four stores Dollar General, Walgreens, Marsh and then finally CVS came through. Best shoes ever so comfy. They aren't the cutest though but let me thoroughly recommend ( DOGGERS)!! I jokingly told Zac I might where them more often then I should he gave me a look and I smiled.
Zac said his day was made when we saw our first ever bald eagle!It sitting on a branch right in front of us. I had to admit that was pretty cool! Ironically Eric had just mentioned them only ten minutes earlier. For me the birds and the wildlife were only a small part of what made the day so great it was peacefulness I felt out there with no distractions just us and nature cooperating as we glided our sometimes awkward canoe away from the rocks. It was a good feeling to know that besides minor disgruntle we were a team
At one point we even stopped off at this little stream that broke away from the water. We took about ten minutes on foot to walk through part of it. It was really neat and I was thankful we got the opportunity to do that. It was mainly in the woods and although the water was much shallower it was also much colder. We saw little fish and overall it was just really pretty seeing how the rocks were perfectly shaped to let the water glide over them.
We got out of the river around 11:30 and the boys pulled our canoes up a really steep hill and then through a very crowded with weeds, brush, and trees trail. That was my least favorite part of the trip going through a wooded trail with only small footpath and lots of mosquitos didn't get me very excited especially when the boys couldn't tell us if it was the right trail or not. It was ! We made it out and I'm excited for our next canoe trip!!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Five Minute Friday : Broken
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
5 mins of writing on a set topic.
Then linking up at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog.
Prompt: Broken
When we look at or see the word BROKEN a negative connotation immediately follows. What if though, we began to look at our broken moments differently. What if we realized their potential to encourage growth and saw how they could change us drastically into the people God desires us to be. Wouldn't our lives be sweeter and our hearts more accepting.
From the Message, Matthew 5:4 You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you, Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
A must read
While I'd like to say I've begun reading Bonhoeffer.....No that goal is still on list but I am finishing up another extraordinary book right now. (Peace Making Women). My eyes are wide open. I see. I recommend it if you desire to see too.
What do I see? I see the the lies I have believed about relationships and I am beginning to understand how those lies can be restored with, peace. I'm not finished with this book yet but, I know its an excellent read for anyone willing to receive biblical knowledge about solving real life problems with those people we have to talk to everyday, those people we need to talk to everyday. Humans and their relationships are ever changing but if we presume to keep our relationships peaceful, one thing must remain constant, LOVE.
God is Love having said that the foundation for all peace-filled relationships is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
One of the great quotes I got from the book: On the last day. Jesus will not ask about our IQ, social status, health, or wealth. He will ask how our relationships were. And the chief characteristic of a good relationship is love. ~ Alfred Poirier
Plain and simple their are just a few insights I must share with you, they are life changing and totally useful for this generation. As they have helped me to preserve in my convictions and inspired dramatic change in me.
Loving a person despite how they treat you is a reflection of who you are and your heart not about who they are and whether or not they deserve your love.
Forgiveness too? Your probably thinking. and the answer.... OH YES. Yes yes yes.
But what about sacrifice? That can't be the case with it after all those pinterest sayings I've read about not making someone else your priority when they only make you an option. Well my friends according to the Bible we have been deceived. Sacrificing for others is more about us than it is about them. It a reflection of our ability to be selfless or lack thereof.
I'm so thankful for the insights of Tara Barthel and Judy Dabler wwho coauthored Peace Making Women and pray God uses this book to radically change my heart and mold be into a peace making woman.
Friday, July 12, 2013
something worth sharing
October 14, 2012
I was having an unusually bad night. I kept thinking to myself unhealthy thoughts and thoughts that would normally fuel a relapse in my eating disorder. I wanted so badly to feel confident in who I was and what God had so graciously blessed me with but... to be honest, I just didn't. I sent up a short prayer for some sort of help particularly mentioning and thinking about confidence.... and then in that moment I decided I wouldn't lay in my bed a second longer.
I got up and went to the next room over, where my bible and green journal lay. Two items I hadn't touched in about a week. Hoping to find some sort of solace in writing to God a heartfelt prayer, I opened my green Pslams journal to the next clean sheet and to my amazement there on the opposite side of the page lay a verse and a title. They read: My Heart Is Confident in You. and verses 57:1-3 and 57:7-11 followed. I remember even to this day almost a year later how warmed my heart was. Here I was thinking I was going to write down some desperate plea for help and my Savior was ready for it, for whatever need I might have. He had written me the most beautiful words I could imagine, life giving words.
Upon reading Pslam 57:1-3 Be good to me, God and now! I've run to You for dear life. I'm hiding out under your wings until the hurricane blows over. I call out to High God, the God who holds me together. He sends orders from heaven and saves me..... God delivers generous love, He makes good on his word. AND Pslam 57: 7-11 My heart is confident in You, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing Your Praises!... I will wake the dawn with my song. I will thank You, Lord, among all the people. I will sing Your praises among the nations. For Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May Your glory shine over all the earth. Instantly my heart brimmed with joy and the tears were gone.
Seeing God is such a vivid way forever changed my life. He is always with us and caring for us but we must seek him if we are to find him.
Five Minute Friday: Present
On Bloglovin, I noticed my friend Eva over at Snappeturtle was doing this Five Minute Friday Prompt. Basically you write for five minutes on the Friday prompt and don't worry about grammar or perfection and then link up over at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog were everyone shares what they wrote . It sounded like a pretty neat idea so I thought I'd give it a try this week's prompt: Present.
Present being in the moment and aware of your surroundings. Is it just me or has technology made this a pretty hard thing to do in this day in age?
Sometimes it can be really frustrating when you want to talk to someone and they are just completely glued to their phone and not even acknowledging you. Especially when its your friends and I know I am equally guilty of this but, I am definitely gonna take extra effort to be aware and not do that when I'm with other people no one likes to be thought less important than a phone and I certainly don't want anyone else to think that I value my phone time more than my time with them.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
hitting and putting
This Sunday after church I got a little closer to accomplishing my goal of being able to hit and putt properly. I really love that I have made this list of things I want to accomplish because it is really motivating me to accomplish them. I have officially checked off one of my other goals as well but I'll talk about that in a later post. For now, I'll just elaborate on my golf outing......
When we arrived at the golf course I was super excited to get started but, didn't exactly know what to expect. I had only been to the golf course one other time and that day Zac and I had just putted for a short time. Today though, Zac, my very experienced golfer boyfriend was going to show me how to hit the ball like in the air and make it go a long distance.
I thought, "Yeah, I will probably do terrible a couple times but as I kept hitting I'd get better and be decent at least." HA hahahahha. Yes, in this one outing I expected to get down the basic hitting technique. Reality: Zac brought me a little basket of about 25 golf balls to his big basket of about 40. At first I was like why do you get more. By the end though I understood and was thanking him for getting me a smaller basket. I'd say of the 25 balls I hit about three were decent ones. They ended up pretty close to the first flag in front of me and that was definitely an accomplishment for me. But as to why I was appreciative for the smaller basket was because my hands and wrists were quickly becoming sore. Something I would never have mentioned to him. Especially after I had begged and begged for him to take me golfing and we were finally at the course.
Their were also quite a few un-glamorous and even painful times when I attempted to hit the ball with all my force and slammed the club into the ground just before the ball. OUCH!! Don't do that it hurts really bad. Like a ringing in your wrist kind of bad.
Overall I had a great time. Learning something new is always challenging at first but once you get it down it can be tons of fun. Zac was patient in teaching me and helped when I needed him to which I very much appreciated. He also let me learn things for myself too. I am such a visual learning seeing someone do something and then repeating what they do is how I learn best. I am excited to get back out there and keep at it.
And can I just say to all you golfers out there I admire your dedication to get out in the heat and drag your bag around for like four hours straight and still play amazingly I know that ain't no easy task.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
half way to 2014
Realizing this year is going by so quickly and that my summer is almost over I began to brainstorm making a list of some things I want to do before 2014. I so believe in the importance of goals and that without them our ability to achieve and try new things is hindered. It is never my intention to think that just because I am a college student with limited funds their isn't plenty of things out there for me try and succeed at or possibly fail, its all about the experience for me!
I want to take advantage of and truly be thankful for my health, youth, and time while I have the opportunity. When you take the time to truly think of all the wonderful things this world has to offer ( after exaggerated efforts to get the negative offers out of your head)its amazing. God's desire for us as Christians is that we lead a joy filled lives and I can't imagine my life being to joyful if I remain in the same place day after day and never try anything new. Unless of course that was His will for me but in everything I have read, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Its not that I think my life will be more joyful if I add this list of goals rather it is I believe that if through faith I rely on God to help me complete my goals I will become more joyful in his lovingkindness, goodness and faithfulness. I believe it is by trusting in him we grow. If in every new thing I try and goal I complete or attempt to complete I trust in him I can't go wrong. Nothing can happen but my heart be filled to the brim with love.
I may not be able to check everything off the list but it is better to set too many goals than not enough. I once heard, "if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough" and I have to say I agree. Some of my dreams for 2014 are silly and some are very serious but I think I can gain something good from all of them.
Having said that, by 2014 I plan to...............
*Get all A's and B's in my classes.
*Volunteer in my church's Sunday School and help out with the elementary!
*Learn how to play golf or at least hit the ball properly.
*Go hiking and canoeing at least once.
*With the help of Zac try all 65 of the Sno Castle flavors.(So far its 8 down with 57 to go)
*Make beautiful cupcakes for the October wedding of my dad and his fiance,Kristi.
*Book a ticket to California and go see my cousin, Samantha.
*Make homemade marshmellows!
*Become comfortable driving on highways and interstates.
*And Last but not least read Bonhoeffer.
On top of being a part-time nanny and a full time student being in August I think this is quite the challenge but, I am definitely up for it. I can't wait for the adventure. I plan to update regularly on my progress and celebrate accomplishments on my blog. I will also tweet about my goals under the hash tag (#slmuntil2014).
Monday, June 24, 2013
And so this journey begins...
As of June 20th I completed my first class that goes towards my new major: Elementary Education. Wooo! I know, I know its only one class but small steps turn into BIG DREAMS. Okay, so I might be going out on a limb because.... I have only taken one class in my new major and am currently enrolled in one now, but when people say once you find something you love, you excel. They aren't kiddin. I am proud to say that my completed class Technology in Education was a success I got an A. Not only that but I enjoyed the class and for those who know me that hasn't came out of my mouth since I started this whole college process. In the class I just started Introduction to Scientific Inquiry, a class that I have attended twice for 8 hrs each time and have 6 more 8 hr days to complete this summer, I am doing well in also. And again I am loving the class. Normally I would get bored in a class half that long but, the teacher is great about keeping us intrigued and learning. The class is all about teaching Science and I am so fascinated by what I have learned in the two days I have attended . But more than that I find myself thinking about what I learned after I have left the classroom and that's a rarity for me as well. Its such a breath of fresh air to feel so much excitement about what I am learning and to truly be excited about my future as a teacher. I am so thankful for all who prayed for me and more importantly for God's blessing and direction as I struggled to understand why I was having such conflicting feelings about a business degree.
If you're unsure of your major this is encouragement to take a leap of faith and see what else is out there you have to try things before you can know if you like them or not.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
In honor of Father's Day
We have so many names for the special guy we celebrate on Father's Day! I know I've called mine an array of names ranging from pops to daddy (when I was an oh so little girl). If you have a dad you are blessed. I think God for my dad always. He is a strong man that has been through a great deal but he has always supported, encouraged and provided for me.
He is such a blessing in my life as I know, not all people have their daddys around. Some have gone to Heaven and others just choose not to be apart of their children's lives, sadly. My heart yearns for those children who dad's have gone astray and for those I want to talk about a certain verse that is so touching so loving and so impacting. It's Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.
Whether you know your biological father or not has no bearing on you knowing your heavenly father. He yearns to be close to all His children and His love is enduring and unending for those he knows as his beloved. Be encouraged today if your missing your earthly father. Your heavenly father desires to come close to and comfort you to show you love and grace beyond human capacity.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Spring-Inspired Devil's Food
In the midst of Spring I found some inspiration...........
and the results turned out pretty well. Credit to the lush greens in the background for really making my cupcakes look beautiful!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
grandma's house
Different spellings, different languages all for the same word, "family" as we say in English.
Today I was feeling ever so grateful for mine! I love when I get to spend time with my cousins. They are the best type of friends you can have! No matter how far apart you are in age from them you can count on always having fun together. And for the ones that weren't with us, (Jeremy, Samantha, and Cody) you were missed!
Friday, May 31, 2013
fashionista in my head
Im always on Pinterest seeing these super cute looks and dreaming of a day when I can afford to look so styled..haha
Not really. I mean if the outfits fell into my lap at a reasonable price then yes, I would totally grab them up and wear them religiously. But no I don't long for them in an unhealthy way! After all they are just clothes but, it is fun to show my personality and dress up once in awhile. If you asked me to some up what my style was in words I would probably just say .... a mixture of different styles combined. Check out the looks I like and give me your feedback! What do you think my style is?
I think its pretty clear I'm a huge fan of slouchy tops, skinny jeans, big bags, neutral colors with one bright color and totally against matchy matchyness.
the good thing....
Why is it that the right thing is usually the hard thing!?!
Probably because the right thing means dying to ourselves not giving in to the flesh which, is no easy task.
The flesh which tends to fight against everything God desires for us also fights for everything that temporarily makes life better and easier.
I often wonder how my heart can be so stubborn at times, that I give into my flesh?
Even when I know it will amount in no gain. When I know it will only result in me becoming closer to the world and farther from my Father. Which will result in a life filled to the brim with despair and pain running from one thing to another for fulfillment.
It irritates me to an almost unbearable degree, my flesh. I can definitely relate to Pual in Romans 7:15 when he says, "For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate." Its true we often at times hate the sin in our lives but keep on sinning !?! Thinking that our ways will somehow amount to change that we can do what we want, how we want and things will turn out okay.
And no matter how long we attempt we continue to fail.
But this only testifies to the power of Christ and that apart from him we can do nothing. It means that if we are not in his will we are not going to be okay our ways will not be prosperous and we will not bring glory to His name. Well, you might be for a short time that is until something goes wrong. Glory to Christ though, is given when things go wrong and we can remain strong and find our strength in him to carry on.
Galatians 5:13-16 ESV /
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
His desire for us is that we live a blessed life and if we hold that love close to our hearts we will begin to understand.
Monday, May 27, 2013
memorial day thanks and #bachelorette thoughts
First and foremost I want to thank all the soldiers who have and continue to BRAVELY fight for our freedom. You are appreciated. Because of you I was blessed to be able to spend this Monday enjoying time with dear friends and family.
On the Agenda was a last minute cook-out at my grandma's. Pork chops, ribs, brats, hot dogs, macaroni salad, and fruit. YUM YUM YUM. I had a great time playing with my cousins Chris and Danica. At 20 years-old I can say I still thoroughly enjoy hide and go seek. And flying kites or attempting to fly kites HAH!. It was totally the kite old and shoddy. (I said I would never use the word shoddy because it sounds too much like shorty but, look at me eating my words.)Oh well, Next time we will be more prepared with a new kite! Laughing and eating and just being in each others presence its a sure way to fill your heart with JOY. We also celebrated my Uncle Wayne's 59th Birthday, Happy Birthday Uncle Wayne.
Then it was off to Cindy's house for some more grilled food. My belly was getting full but I managed to make room for a hamburger and some potatoes. Realizing I wasn't going to be able to eat much more I passed on salad to be sure I had room for a brownie and ice cream. NO REGRETS! Then after dinner we made time to play a card game. It was the perfect opportunity to teach Greg, Cindy, and Joseph a game I had been playing a lot lately with my boyfriend and his family and so I TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE MOMENT! Warlords and Scumbags, have you played? Its pretty fun. I was feeling pretty confident until they finally caught on and by the end of the game I had went from Warlord to Scumbag. Now my confidence was in that I had adequately succeeded in teaching them. More confirmation that TEACHING is my thing? I think so :)
The cherry on top? The Bachelorette was on and its only one of my favorite shows ever! And for some reason when the guys left especially the magician and knight in shining armor, I was sad to see them go! I almost teared up as corny as they might have been they seemed pretty genuine and most of the time the guys that go home on the first night are just PYSCHO and SCARY or CRAZY AWKWARD.
Good Luck in Love, Magician
and Knight in Shinning Armor ......
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
An update: hatchlings
I was so excited today to see that the entire nest of Eastern Phoebes on my porch had hatched. So little so helpless. Did you know their momma will work around the clock from sun up to sun down, feeding them every ten to fifteen minutes for the next three weeks or until they leave the nest!?!
When I found that out I was shocked!! As a nanny, I know how hard it is feeding one kid 3x times a day but feeding three little mouths upwards of 72x per day now that's a JOB!
Once I checked on those little guys I headed out to my backyard to see if anything had happened in the Robin nest. And to my surprise the three little blue eggs were only two and one hatchling. It was so cute to see it move around.
Before observing these nests I had assumed that they all hatched at once for some reason but,that's actually far from reality. Sometimes it takes another two days for the rest of the nest to fully hatch. The mom also doesn't have all her eggs at once either which explains why that happens. When observing the Eastern Phoebe nest I checked it one day and there were three eggs and the next day there were five.
Its amazing to see their transformation thus far and I imagine that's how God see us in some aspect. I'm sure he relishes in our growth and movement towards him. When we move on from our spiritual milk and begin to eat spiritual food.
1 Peter 2:2 ESV
Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—
Friday, May 17, 2013
This is the day
As I look all around me I am blessed to be alive another day.
This is the day the LORD has brought about. We will be happy and rejoice in it.
Despite every worry that pops into my head every thing on my to do list, I am still reminded this is His day not mine. His plans are sure to bring about a good work in me.
The beautiful signs all around me of new life are miraculous. From the bees and butterflies to the birds which I have recently become captivated by, and the bunnies the oh so cute bunnies. Let your heart be blessed and encouraged. New Life.
Mathew 6:25-34 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
After I posted the blog this morning I was out in the yard and found another little set of blessings check back and i'll keep ya updated on their progress !
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
From a nanny I admire that
After reading a post from the blog: The Gray Matters titled To the Good People of the Grocery Store, With Love I was inspired to write this post. Why? Because it has become increasingly clear to me as nanny of a solid (8 going on 9 years), Parents who stick to their guns are exactly the kind of parents our children need! As did Mrs. Gray.
While her child was crying in the grocery store she shopped on and didn't give in to his tantrum, regardless of the thoughts and stares others were giving her and she has my applaud for that.
Like I said I have been a nanny for children for 8 years and one thing I know is that consistency is what works. They need to know they can't use other people to manipulate their parents into acting a different way or giving into them. You might say well her son was only a toddler but trust me when I say they learn that very very quickly and early.
It seems like parents these days have stopped disciplining which by the way means training and teaching and started pleasing. Which in my opinion sets their children up to fail in life. Life is tough sometimes and if we spend our whole childhood getting pleased by our parents we will expect that from everyone else too and that is just not reality.
When children who have been pleased all their life then, have to deal with difficulties in life they are ill prepared and likely unable to cope in a healthy way.
But let's focus on the positives of this method of parenting. At the end of the shopping trip Mrs. Gray's Son said, "Mom, I'm sorry for hitting. I will make better choices next time." Wow I can't imagine how rewarding that must have been for her to hear. She did the right thing and guess what her son was responsive and learned from it. He learned that he could cry and throw a fit but, that wasn't going to change anything and he even came to the realization that he was wrong. Yes even little ones can assume responsibility. Trust me we underestimate them all too often.
Thank you Mrs. Gray for setting a good example for us all, I admire your parenting!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
friday five ~ my books my babies
Reading for me isn't a mundane task, its an indulgence look out here it comes, I desire to read much more than I actually do. Why? Because its a privilege a lot of people deny themselves. It is an opportunity to dine on the thoughts of others and eat them up or spit them out. Either way you learn more about the world and more about yourself its an extraordinary thing.
I love what the people below have to say about reading.
“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.”
― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron
Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.”
― Cornelia Funke, Inkheart
“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”
― Robert Frost
The following book are ones I highly recommend, they are powerful and life changing!
First and foremost:I have to recommend my all time favorite:
Redeeming Love by:Francine Rivers
This book truly speaks to one's heart about the power of forgiveness.
Next on the list: A Woman after God's Own Heart by: Elizabeth George
This book taught me so much about what it means to be a woman in Christ everything from time management to family life.
Numero 3: Who Do You Think You Are? by: Mark Driscoll
I'm reading this book right now with my mentor and its wowing me! Truly giving me a whole other perspective of who God is and how he so lovingly attends to his sons and daughters.
4.Reshaping It All by. Candace Cameron Bure
This is a Christian book about health and fitness. It was a really helpful tool that I used in overcoming my eating disorder. Candace candidly shares her struggles with an eating disorder and how God's word spoke truth to her heart about the health of her body.
Last bust not least is the book I want to read once I finish up school for the summer.
Bonhoeffer by:Eric Metaxas
New York Times bestselling author of Amazing Grace, a groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,a Christian pastor and one of the greatest heroes of the twentieth century, the man who stood up to Hitler. If this is the description I can only imagine what lies within the pages of this man's life biography.
What books have been life changing for you? Please share I'm always looking for new books to read. Also follow me on pinterest to see what other books I love.
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