Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

On Bloglovin, I noticed my friend Eva over at Snappeturtle was doing this Five Minute Friday Prompt. Basically you write for five minutes on the Friday prompt and don't worry about grammar or perfection and then link up over at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog were everyone shares what they wrote . It sounded like a pretty neat idea so I thought I'd give it a try this week's prompt: Present.

Present being in the moment and aware of your surroundings. Is it just me or has technology made this a pretty hard thing to do in this day in age?

Sometimes it can be really frustrating when you want to talk to someone and they are just completely glued to their phone and not even acknowledging you. Especially when its your friends and I know I am equally guilty of this but, I am definitely gonna take extra effort to be aware and not do that when I'm with other people no one likes to be thought less important than a phone and I certainly don't want anyone else to think that I value my phone time more than my time with them.

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