Tuesday, April 2, 2013


(FEARLESS) It's that book by Max Lucado that you should read over and over again. Why? because it offers the WORD in the midst of real life storms.

"Don't be afraid," he said. "Take courage. I am here!" Matthew 14:27

The Lord is near. Philipians 4:5

I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20

Nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. Romans 8:38

Tonight, I am choosing to rest my soul in these verses because I know that I can't continue to feed my fears and starve my faith. I Have to feed my faith and in turn starve my fears. Its the direct path to where the Lord wants my heart.

Storms are raging all around us. And its our ability to keep the focus on God and not the storm itself that saves us. It is a simple adjustment of our eyes from one place to another. Look away and then bring your eyes back to the screen and you've just done it you've adjusted your vision from one place to another. Now focus your vision on God just as you focused your eyes on the surroundings of whatever room you were in. This is all he asks us to do, to realize He is with us at every moment to look for Him and rest in His divine plan for our lives. Regardless of whether it meets our cookie cutter wishes, He is always better than anything this life can offer.

And we find that out as quickly as we look away from Him. Just as Peter did when he took his eyes off God in the Sea of Galilee and began to sink. But we also see that as quickly as Peter put the focus back on Him,crying out,"Lord, save me," he brings us out of our despair and rushes in to save us, sometimes entirely from our troubles and other times to encourage us through them. Either way he is always there holding out his hand to help.

But maybe, just maybe this storm your in, this storm I am in, has a purpose. A lesson to be learned after all its in the storms we really focus on Him.

We have to remember this is not his first storm nor his last and the storms of life aren't an option as to whether we want to take them on or not but, our response to those storms is filled with options. We can choose fear, yes, but we can choose Him even better even more.

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