Monday, June 24, 2013

And so this journey begins...

As of June 20th I completed my first class that goes towards my new major: Elementary Education. Wooo! I know, I know its only one class but small steps turn into BIG DREAMS. Okay, so I might be going out on a limb because.... I have only taken one class in my new major and am currently enrolled in one now, but when people say once you find something you love, you excel. They aren't kiddin. I am proud to say that my completed class Technology in Education was a success I got an A. Not only that but I enjoyed the class and for those who know me that hasn't came out of my mouth since I started this whole college process. In the class I just started Introduction to Scientific Inquiry, a class that I have attended twice for 8 hrs each time and have 6 more 8 hr days to complete this summer, I am doing well in also. And again I am loving the class. Normally I would get bored in a class half that long but, the teacher is great about keeping us intrigued and learning. The class is all about teaching Science and I am so fascinated by what I have learned in the two days I have attended . But more than that I find myself thinking about what I learned after I have left the classroom and that's a rarity for me as well. Its such a breath of fresh air to feel so much excitement about what I am learning and to truly be excited about my future as a teacher. I am so thankful for all who prayed for me and more importantly for God's blessing and direction as I struggled to understand why I was having such conflicting feelings about a business degree.

If you're unsure of your major this is encouragement to take a leap of faith and see what else is out there you have to try things before you can know if you like them or not.

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