Monday, April 15, 2013

Memories with Gran

Most people know "go to God when your struggling" its a no brainer but, often we forget the joy he places in our hearts when we go to him in thanksgiving aware of how greatly we are blessed. Not only did he give up his life for us, sinners who denied him, but he chooses to bless us without our doing anything.


How does a human heart even begin to comprehend that??

That is one thing that awed me this week. I don't ever want to forget that special feeling of love he placed in my heart this Friday afternoon.

When people say its the simple things it really is true.

I finished up my test and and looked at the clock almost 1 p.m. hmm, I Thought to myself, Gran is probably finishing up her hair appointment right this minute. Ever since I was a tiny little girl she has taken me to the beauty shop with her, I still go with her now sometimes at the age of twenty. So I called her on her cell-phone and she answered knowing she was still in town I asked her if she wanted to grab lunch.

Of course she responded "Yes" and so we went to Panda Express one of my favorites. Got our food sat down and talked a little bit. It wasn't necessarily her words though that made me feel so loved it was her presence, her always being there for me always wanting to spend time with me. She is the sweetest lady I know and one of the toughest too, she has been through a lot in her life but she hasn't let her heart harden she cares for those in her life very deeply and I admire that. I admire her Christ-like example of love.

Traveling back to her house in separate cars, I was overwhelmed, brought to tears, and began thanking God for her life and praying that she truly knew how appreciated she was. God is so good and I'll keep saying this, he never ceases in abundantly blessing us even when we don't deserve it.

Psalm 21:6 For You make him to be blessed and a blessing forever; You make him exceedingly glad with the joy of Your presence.


  1. Such a special bond to have! God has blessed you both with such a fruitful relationship.

  2. I love this!! So thankful the Lord blessed you with a special person in your life that has helped shape you into the beautiful, Christ loving person you are!! I am sure she feels just as blessed to have you as her granddaughter!!
