Wednesday, April 10, 2013

To be or not to be that is the ?

Feeling unsatisfied with my major, Business. I voiced my thoughts to a dear friend, family, and Zac. I prayed and I waited. Then I had someone tell me to consider teaching as a major. I abruptly put that off in mind. It wouldn't be an option, my dad would shoot it down right away, I thought. Then as the days went on I considered it more and more and it seemed to be just in-line with what I thought God would desire for me.

Such a big decision though.

Later in the week I met with my mentor and explained all this to her. She told me she too, had been praying about whether or not she should mention this career path to me. Excitement began to grow in my heart as I felt like my prayers were being answered but at the same time....I felt overwhelmed at the thought of changing my major AGAIN, as it would require more classes and more work.

Can I really do this? Do I really have what it takes to be an elementary school teacher? Is this really HIS plan for my life or is it me getting in the way? What if I fail?

The thoughts loomed in my head. The financial cost tormented me and I was paralyzed, making a decision seemed nearly impossible.So I kept praying and made an appointment with an education adviser hoping this would bring clarity. I prayed God's hand would be all over the situation and he would make HIS will known.

Well a bright ray of sunshine did a appear, a glimmer of hope. My dad was surprisingly supportive after I explained to him my disdain for business and a call for something else. He even came to the advising and financial aid appointments with me.

After the appointments though, I still sit here typing this, feeling uneasy. I am not sure if this is what he wants me to do with my life or not but, I will keep praying and focusing on what he wants for me each day.

His direction is clearly telling me Business isn't the right line of work for me (at this time in my life) and as to whether or not the education field is, we will see. All I know is I have to focus on what I know for sure.

A wise woman told me,"Don't put too much pressure on yourself about those types of decisions. As those probably aren't the "biggies" for God. He can use us where ever we go and whatever we do". That's exactly true!

I think God is trying to make it perfectly clear to me that its not my actions that will save me but, that I am already saved. I know he doesn't want me to rest in my abilities or my good deeds but to rest in HIM because through HIM I will be carried and guided and good deeds will abundantly flow. He loves me unconditionally and appreciates me regardless of my career or education level, with that my heart will rest as I begin this new journey.

2 Corinthians 5:6-7 So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight.

1 comment:

  1. I recently changed my major.... as I told you. Try thinking this way: What do I like? Not in the future... but right now? Disregard any thought of including anyone in your plans for yourself. And think about what makes you excited? As women, it's hard to think of anything else besides marriage. However, God is showing me more important things to focus on. In the present. If you try that, it may help clear your mind. You are very good with kids. But the question also must be... do you really like kids as well? Then you will know. :) I believe he puts desires in our hearts.
