Monday, April 29, 2013

a walk to remember

I ran a mile today and while that would normally be an accomplishment for me what happened after my run was much more rewarding.

As I was nearing the end of my mile, I thought to myself how I would like to venture outside of my tiny neighborhood and onto the county roads. I thought wouldn't it be nice to have someone to run with but, oh well I don't, so I'll just finish up my work out. A cool down walk of what I had just ran.

So I turned my music down,it didn't need to be so loud now. I wasn't breathing louder than a freight train anymore my heart rate had slowed down quite a lot. So I walked past the first two houses in my neighborhood and as I did two four legged friends greeted me first a rambunctious,blonde,and scruffy mutt and shortly after an old chocolate lab waddled up, for a pet. I petted both of them and then started down the road again. They followed. Aww, I thought to myself its that company I wanted. As all three of us rounded the corner two more furry friends joined the group a blonde terrier and a tri-color mutt of some sort. Now our count was up to five and we were headed to the small creek in front of us. I slowed as they dashed into the creek to cool off. The littlest of the dogs submerging itself into the creek first. It was the cutest thing to see. My heart was filled with joy all these cute pups were following me and sticking right by my side. All the way through the neighborhood we walked a little disorganized but nonetheless. As a group we were rarely if ever all walking at the same pace and sometimes one or the other would have some catching up to do. Some were more constant and others got distracted but we all got a good walk in. How often do you find four dogs that all get along and will walk with you. It was pretty comical and a great time. As I saw my house in the distance I couldn't bare to abandon them without giving them all a good pet. I went to my backyard and of course they followed. I sat down on my back porch and made sure they all got a good scratch.

I'm so thankful for the simple things in life, its amazing the happiness these four dogs gave me with their presence and how enjoyable they made my walk.

Have a blessed day and remember to look for God's hand in every part of your life. He blesses us so often without our even realizing.


  1. haha that's too cute! Are these neighbors' pets or strays?

  2. Neighbors' pets! Yes it was so funny we passed another neighbor outside with her two dogs and they attempted to join but she wouldn't let them haha!
