Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An update: hatchlings

I was so excited today to see that the entire nest of Eastern Phoebes on my porch had hatched. So little so helpless. Did you know their momma will work around the clock from sun up to sun down, feeding them every ten to fifteen minutes for the next three weeks or until they leave the nest!?!
When I found that out I was shocked!! As a nanny, I know how hard it is feeding one kid 3x times a day but feeding three little mouths upwards of 72x per day now that's a JOB!

Once I checked on those little guys I headed out to my backyard to see if anything had happened in the Robin nest. And to my surprise the three little blue eggs were only two and one hatchling. It was so cute to see it move around.

Before observing these nests I had assumed that they all hatched at once for some reason but,that's actually far from reality. Sometimes it takes another two days for the rest of the nest to fully hatch. The mom also doesn't have all her eggs at once either which explains why that happens. When observing the Eastern Phoebe nest I checked it one day and there were three eggs and the next day there were five.

Its amazing to see their transformation thus far and I imagine that's how God see us in some aspect. I'm sure he relishes in our growth and movement towards him. When we move on from our spiritual milk and begin to eat spiritual food.
1 Peter 2:2 ESV Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—

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